Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Sociology Week 11 DQ

Sociology Week 11 DQ

Q How has activism changed since the advent of the Internet? How has the line blurred between legally allowed activism and illegal behavior? Explain with two examples.

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. Internet has revolutionized many thing and activism is one of them. The most profound change that has happened due to internet is the faster spread of information. Internet has made it possible for the occurrence of activism in the ‘real time’ or as it is happening. Traditional activism required days to spread information and mobilize support and the required resources. With internet it is possible to mobilize human support within hours. I remember there was an issue at my son’s school regarding the teacher’s pay and say in educational matters such as the content for syllabus.